You have found the right place to become a Texas football official!
To learn more about our training program, season schedule, and other aspects of officiating football, review the following Frequently Asked Questions. To place your name and contact information on our 2024 training class email list, go to the contact form below, and provide your contact information. You can call us at 325-356-6259.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:
Why become a football official?
Your love of football brought you to this website. You need not be an ex-player or coach to become a great official and have a memorable officiating career. Working around student-athletes at all levels of football is gratifying, plus you’ll develop life-long friendships with other officials who share your passion for the game. Prior officiating experience is good but not required. Our training program will prepare you for an enjoyable and successful officiating career. Officiating football is also a great way to get and stay in shape, be a positive role model for student-athletes, retain your competitive edge, and earn additional income. Also, it can be really fun!
How do I enroll in the training program?
First, call us at 325-356-6259 we can add you to our training class list. Most training meetings are held on Monday evenings, 6-8 pm, from early July through early November. In August, after you've attended a few summer meetings and had time to decide if officiating is right for you, you’ll be provided and asked to complete an application. Once you submit the application and complete the background check, you’ll be enrolled in the training class and gain access to Arbiter Sports, the software system used to schedule our sub-varsity and varsity game assignments.
What type of training will I receive?
The Pecan Valley Football Chapter of TASO (Texas Association of Sports Officials) provides training classes which meet each Monday night (July through November), include classroom and on-field instruction. New officials should make plans to attend training sessions each Monday night. The classes are mandatory.
What time commitment must I make to officiate football?
As a first-year official, you’ll be expected to attend Monday night training meetings and study the rules related to class discussion. Sub-varsity games may be scheduled Tuesday through Thursday evenings. As a first-year official, you will train by working sub-varsity games. If the opportunity arises, you may also work some varsity games as well. You will decide how much you want to work depending on your desire and availability. During the season, you will be asked to work games in a variety of stadiums throughout West-Central Texas. This distribution of games will help you become familiar with and receive training from most of our veteran officials.
How will I be paid?
Local schools and school districts hire football officials as independent contractors. Accordingly, you’ll receive a check for each game assignment you work from the school district. We recommend you keep accurate records as your earnings are taxable, reportable, income. As a new official, you’ll start working sub-varsity games, which pay $50-$80/game. Varsity game pay starts at $110. On most weeknights, officials work two, back-to-back, sub-varsity games at the same stadium (for example: one 7th-grade game and one 8th-grade game), and receive $70 for the first game and $50 for the next game. We carpool to most games outside the Brownwood area. Varsity game chain and clock assignments are paid, too.
What costs are involved?
Most officiating equipment must meet specific requirements, so we encourage you not to attempt and purchase a uniform at local sporting goods stores (Academy). Your start-up uniform will cost approximately $150, including mostly black, cleated shoes. A number of online vendors sell officiating equipment, and vendors may sell uniforms at the early training meetings. You’ll have an opportunity to obtain previously-worn uniforms, too. Local TASO chapter dues run about $75/year.
Where are the games officiated by the Pecan Valley TASO football chapter?
Pecan Valley football officials work both public (UIL) and private school (TAPPS) games throughout Central Texas. While the majority of games are in the West-Central Texas area, game assignments may include other school districts, too. Youth football games are not associated with our chapter but are assigned by members of our chapter who work with local youth leagues. These games, typically on Saturdays, provide great training for new officials. However, no game or training points are awarded for these games. Pay is provided by the youth football leagues.
How do I gain experience and start working varsity games? How are varsity officials chosen?
Chapter members are ranked based on points accrued by working games, attendance at officiating clinics, and exam scores. On-field evaluations affect rankings, too. During your first couple of seasons, attempt to work as many scrimmages and sub-varsity games as you are assigned, and you may be assigned to varsity games as you gain more experience.
How do I become a collegiate and/or NFL official?
If you want to officiate college or pro football, this is the place to start. All of the officials you see working Saturdays and Sundays began in a local chapter working sub-varsity and varsity games. Several members of the Pecan Valley TASO football chapter have been college officials.
What’s the most common complaint of football officials?
Almost every chapter member regrets waiting to start training to become a football official. Don’t make their mistake and wait another season to start the process of becoming a Texas high school football official. To learn more about the training program and get added to the training class list, call us at 325-356-6259.